Merge List items with matching String part

Hi guys
I have two lists here. One list has strings and the other with the Quantities extracted from Revit model. There are some strings in that list, which can be merged into one provided that the Concrete types are the same. For example, in this particular case, Item 0 and 1 can be combined in string list as well as Quantities list. Is there a possible or an easy way of doing it?

To “Group” objects and quantities together you need something to group them by. In this case you mention you want to group them by Material (Reinforced Concrete Type B). You need a list with these materials before you can group them. Is this what you are looking for? See an example below

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How can I split up my string into these Keys?

@salmanjavaid2000 you need to find something in common between these elements (strings) in order to identify them, i.e. Mark, material, name, type or any other parameter;
Once you do that, you can proceed as @Joelmick suggested.