I often find my self selecting all masses and assign them all levels in the project just for convenience. However, Lets say a certain Mass Family that only intersects Level 2, has been assigned levels B1~17F, like the rest of the Masses that were selected at once. This Mass Family will contain Floors B1~17F, a total of 18 Mass Floors in which only 1 has numeric value, while the other 17 will have nothing, not NULL, not 0, just blank.
Zach Kron tackled this problem in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igu0KCqdouI
However this workflow was done in previous versions of dynamo, and I could not find a suitable replacement for the nodes or process he did to achieve removing ghost Mass Floors.
Right now I have opted for another workaround that compares the numeric value of a floors area, then which those Ghost Mass Floors will not return TRUE, FALSE, or a ghost entity like before, but as NULL, therefore allowing it to be filtered.
But I feel like this solution isnt really elegant and can create some issues down the line. My questions is, what other solutions or approaches are there in dynamo for these non-null, but non-existent values? and is this a bug?