Locating 2D Family in Space

I have a list of families that are made with 2D elements but I am unable to get their XYZ locations. Is that because 2D elements do not exist in 3D space? Is there another way to get these elements. I am trying to compare their distances to a 3D element.

It is very hard to answer this question without more details and looking at the families. Families may have different categories, be view-based or 3D-based, and have different placement types (e.g., point-based, line-based). Even 2D annotation families placed on plan views can be related to the 3D space with some calculations, so it is possible but more info is needed.

That element in the inList is a family made up of generic annotations loaded in to a generic model template. I tried to put a 3d element in to the family but it did not work. How’s your Saturday night going?

Well, Dynamo questions keep us up on Saturday nights, do not they?

From the look of it, I think you are connecting a “family type” to the location node, but the latter node requires a family instance.

Did you grab the family instances of that family type?

Try using element.location

But as earlier mentioned you put a family type instead of an instance which will yield nothing as that is the same as selecting the family from the catalog instead of the ones in the project.