Load into Project gives null result

My research into this has not produced successful results.

My script works, until FamilyDocument.Load. This node gives me a null result. I can run the script, manually do “Load into Project”, and get the results I’m after.

Perhaps FamilyDocument.Load doesn’t play nice with Flow.WaitFor, but it doesn’t give me an error message.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Thatcher try this one here from rhythm as load document expect a db.document

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Thank you, @sovitek. I am getting the results I expected.

Perhaps you can tell me if I need to do a Close Document after this executes. I wouldn’t want to leave something open and taking up resources for nothing.

yes you should close again…i normally do it this way here if i am in a project document…as i assume you are


I have a FamilyDocument.Close node at the end of the node chain, but it appears that it does not close the family document.

Any suggestions?

try as here

Thanks, @sovitek. But I am unable to get a successful execution with that script. I’ve tested a few different configurations - no joy. I’m going to go past this and get the rest of the script working.

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Hi thats not the right rhythm node…it need a db,doc…if you try a lot on the same file and you probably have open doc not closed…then save and/or restart…or open a new dyn and close runing things down this way here…

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