Is there a way to move a link file x and y using Dynamo in a plan view?

I have a project in which I am inserting a DXF file into a Revit project. I need to find a way to move the DXF background from point a to point b with given X, Y coordinates. This will be done in 2D plan view if this is even possible. I spent the greater part of a day looking up key words like MOVE, LOCATE, TRANSFORM to find out TRANSLATE is most likely what I am trying to accomplish. Any help on this is very appreciated. Thanks everyone!


I don’t prefer to throw the “.DXF” file directly into the work project because it suffocates the file and it can be forgotten later.
1- Create “Ghost Family” and put the .dxf file into it and send it into your work project.
2- You can move the “Ghost Family” created by Dynamo to “Familyİnstance.ByPoint”.
