Insufficient Disk Space to create the temporary files that Revit Needs


Not sure what else to do with this one.

I have a simple graph that changes a description in a wall type through background opening. Out of Approx. 2000 of our .rvt files. I have processed 1500 or so already (in batches of 200-300), at first there were other disk space issue warnings, mainly because the files that are being updated are being downloaded from Sharepoint.

I have redirected both SharePoint sync, and the recycle bin to a folder with a lot of storage, which fixed the issue for a while, but now I get this error:

“Applications.OpenDocumentfile Operation Failed. Insufficient disk space to create temporary files that Revit needs”, I have looked for the tmp and temp files in the app data locations, but they don’t appear to be too heavy on space…

does anyone know where else these files are kept and possibly how to redirect them. or what else might be the cause of out of space error ?

Thanks in advance.

Better to check the space in “C” Drive. usually temporary files will create in the C drive,

Revit will save a lot of temporary information within the %temp% folder, i have seen revit utilise 20gb to 100gb of temporary storage information to open up large projects where there are many Revit Links.

I would suggest you look at your task in hand and see if there is anything you can do to reduce this. This could be making sure you close each file.

I sometimes utilise Python to get over some of these background opening tasks because i can get it to open, run and then close a file before moving onto the next file.

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Thank you. Will test it with the Revit Batch Processor opens the file, runs the task, then closes the file… Takes longer than the background opening but is more reliable.