How to put Excel information with conditions

I am an office worker who is always studying while watching the forum.
I’ve been searching, but I’m stuck because I don’t have the conditions I want. Please help me.

If there are values of 1,2,3 in Excel, and the attributes of 1,2 match in Revit, I want to make 3 have attributes.

Is there a way?

ex) If the A and B values in the properties match in the figure below, I would like to put C values.

카페 질의.xlsx (8.6 KB)
카페 질문 파일 ver2018.rvt (3.1 MB)

@and.kj.cho One of the easiest way would be to join the values in two columns and compare it against the joined values of the two parameters. Then you can use a dictionary to get the 3rd value and write it back to Revit.

I’m joining two parameters with a hyphen “-” and the graph would look like this: Excel Lookup.dyn (37.3 KB)

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Wow, it was hard for me to study, but I can understand well when I see the dynamo you made. Thank you. Thanks to you, I’m learning one more thing today. Thank you.


@and.kj.cho Glad I could help you out.
Good Luck with your Dynamo journey :slight_smile:

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