How to know in how many views a filter is active?

As the title says:

How to know in how many views a filter is active?


Hello @arteagaBEGEB ,
Welcome to Dynamo Community,

First you should know, which filter you are searching in all the views, and you can filter those views where search filter is active.

for example, first i am collecting all the filter active in particular views and then searching whether my filter is active or not. In the example I am searching for “Filter 1” from all the views and i got one view where this filter is active.

FilterViews.dyn (15.1 KB)

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Thanks Jain,

that was indeed very helpful (I quickly tested it).

However, in large projects, with say over 50 filters, complicated.

It would be of great help to get a full list of project filters and a “true” “false” boolean value to whether theyre active or not.

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You can do that. Just get a list of views and a list of filters and find which filters are in use. Simple enough. Note that filters can be applied to a view (GetFilters) and then have setting of enable (GetIsFilterEnabled) and visible (GetFilterVisibility). So there are a couple of other things you may need to check.

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