How to get the A-value of an alignment spiral?


I’m trying go make an alignment report with dynamo.
I can get the R-value by using the “AlignmentExtensions.GetInstantaneousRadiusAtStation” node.
But there isn’t a similar node for the A-value…
Is it possible to get the A-value of an alignment spiral?

Gr. Raf.


import clr


from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

from Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices import *
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices import *
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry import *

from Autodesk.Civil.ApplicationServices import *
from Autodesk.Civil.DatabaseServices import *
from Autodesk.Civil.DatabaseServices.Styles import *

adoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
civdoc = CivilApplication.ActiveDocument

alignment = IN[0]

def AlignmentSpiralMembers(alignment):

	global adoc
	global civdoc
	output = []

	with adoc.LockDocument():
	    with adoc.Database as db:
	        with db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() as t:
				alignmentId = alignment.InternalObjectId

				obj = t.GetObject(alignmentId, OpenMode.ForWrite)
				criteriaStationColl1 = obj.Entities[2].SpiralIn.A
				criteriaStationColl2 = obj.Entities[2].SpiralOut.A

	return criteriaStationColl1,criteriaStationColl2

OUT = AlignmentSpiralMembers(IN[0])

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Assuming that ‘A’ value of a transition curve defines the ‘flatness’ of the spiral and is expressed as A=SQRT(R*L) where R = Radius and L = Transition Length from this source is correct, I believe you can use the “AlignmentSubEntity.Length” to get the length and calculate A.

Hope this helps

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Thank you hosneyalaa and Assem.Daaboul,

For my “hor…alignement report” script I used the idea that A=sqrt (R*L).
I used the radius at the start and the end of the spiral.
Applied the formula and counted them together. (one will always be 0)

Gr. Raf.



Calculating A value is one way to go about it. There is also a way to get the A value without calculation and pulling directly from the spiral subentity parameters using the GetParameterByName node or GetParameters node in the Civil3DToolkit. I find these node goes unnoticed since it’s really general but can pull a lot of info on just about any type of object. This way may help reduce the number of nodes required as well.

Get Spiral A Value.dyn (17.9 KB)


Indeed, much easier!
Thanks Omar.g
