Hi everyone! Iam basic in Dynamo and Revit and i need your help. I need to create a typical hospital room in revit. My boss wants to create a block and edit it… for example distance between internal walls, distance doors or windows ecc… Is possibile using block in revit? How?
Thanks so much everyone
Hi @maurostudio could you show what you have tried so far in dynamo ? and we can try to help…if nothing you could tell your boss he can hire a consultant
Doors, windows and walls are all limited to projects so cannot be used parametrically like families.
What your boss is describing is high on many planning focused firms wishlists that I suspect will not be met anytime in near future.
Dynamo can be used to place elements and move elements but to achieve a full hospital in this way would be a huge feat.
I’d suggest looking into more task suited platforms like Hypar which is very much focused on planning blocks and healthcare right now.
Thanks a lot for the your advice!
I don’t know what country you’re in…
But in the UK there is software called ADB which was an addin for healthcare projects in Revit.
It isn’t quite what you’re asking but it’s used to produce C-sheets for NHS hospitals.
It didn’t draw the room size, you had to know your HBN and HTN standards and apply those yourself. But it’d give you all the equipment families and schedule them.
I think his boss is using AutoCAD block mentality.
Revit has groups and assemblies. Groups would be your first choice. but assemblies have the ability to be documented with there own views independently of the project (sort of). Look at those two tools and see which would be best in your situation.
Thanks a lot everyone!
The other method we use for planning multifamily is to set up each unit type as its own Revit file and link that in and copy around as needed. This is faster at the initial planning stage, but not as fluid for CD’s. At that point you may wish to bind in the linked models as groups and possibly ungroup them.
Yeah, sounds about right.
AutoCAD is better … If I had £1 for each time I’d heard that i’d be quite wealthy
But if he is in the UK I suggest ADB software.
Many have already built it… personally I like to use placeholders for graphics and then convert as needed.
Placeholders, sure. But parametrically flexible doors, walls and windows? Program isn’t capable natively or that from what I have seen without complete category abuse.
One family containing placeholders which flex. When ‘design is done’ swap to the real thing. No need for categories when doing the pencil sketches, and what the designer is asking for (in my experience) is something more akin to the pencil than Revit.
Mm it’s still a bit shake and bake.
Seeing a lot of demand here from tech agonstic/ignorant architects who wont stop planning until its literally built. The clowns run the circus.
Meaning no matter what is built it won’t matter. Best bet is to find a better circus.
Know any good big colorful tents?
The tent I am in is quite nice - and we are pretty much always looking for talented individuals…