How Create Abacus Fair-Whipple-Hisao

good night

I would like to create an abaco, but the dictionary does not work

is this


@Tiago Here is a start (up to 3)

abaco.dyn (5.5 KB)

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Good Morning,

I couldn’t associate the node with my doubt what I need when the sum of the weights are “1” I have to have a flow rate of 0.3l / s and a diameter value of 20mm or 3/4 "

Ok, I think I understood. Try this …

abaco.dyn (10.6 KB)

I’m sorry to take your time, but I’m not able to do it for this other type of abuse.

Good night can you put the nodes connected to wires and not summarized in code block so that I understand the code better?