Hide only rectangular duct centerline

Hi Everyone,

Is there a way of hiding center lines of only rectangular duct. I have rectangular duct connecting round duct and I want to hide center line of rectangular duct and keep the center lines of round duct (to differentiate between the same) . Is this possible?


Any screenshot, illustration, link…?

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I don’t think this is possible as they are the same category, just a different profile. The only solution I can think of is to:

  • Set the view to hidden line style
  • Create a filter for round ducts
  • Set round ducts to be 100% transparent

This will show the centreline for the round ducts but not for the rectangular ducts. Just depends if you want your view to be this style.


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Hi Yna

. I want to hide the center line for rect duct some of the fitting family does not show center line, but the straight bits show.


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Hi Tom,

Your are right, if I hide the center line it hides for both. Hidden line style won’t work as I need to see the insulation .


Hi Tom,

Thanks for the solution, It worked. In each view, I changed the discipline to mechanical and left transparency at 0
