Get Views as type 'View'


I am fairly new to Dynamo but experienced in the Revit API. I am trying to make a node that takes in a list of elements and a list of views, and overrides the graphics to change their color.

I have completed a node that can do this to a list of elements in the active view, but am struggling to apply it to a list of views because the way I am getting views returns them as a type more specific than just ‘View’.

I am using the node ‘Views’ which gives all views in a document, and it returns views of type ‘Axonometric View’ or ‘Section View’, which do not have the function ‘SetElementOverrides’, which I need to color the elements.

Any advice here? I couldn’t even find ‘Axonometric View’ in the Revit Api…

Please see this:

Do you have a bot that just answers stupid questions with the github site? :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, didn’t realize how important ‘unwrap element’ was, I unwrapped my element input but not view input.

glad I could help…and no, there is no bot. Just me.

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