Get Units from parameter of element

can you show what elements you input to IN[0] , IN[1], IN[2] ?

need the left part of this picture:

Sure (this is for a structural column):

whats mean digit 1 in IN[2]?

you are set this value for all parameters of ONE element ?

I am not setting a value, I am converting 1 into the Internal Units in order to find the conversion factor.

i.e. DUT_MILLIMETERS conversion factor = 0.00328 because Internal Units are Feet

iam must always get to IN[2] digit 1 ?

No, I was using this script to get the conversion factor and then use it to calculate the internal values.


What I think you are trying to do is SetParameterAsProjectUnits (again from MEPover package):

yes ,
but do that in python for all parameters from many selected elements.
my target its create universal converter for values, and use them from any elements to automatically conversion units for all parameters inside the every element in list us project units

I don’t know how to help you for that.

Giovanni_Brogiolo ,
thank you for your help ,
your answers its steps to my idea