Geometry intersect using question

Hi, everyone

Regarding the Geometry.Intersect utilized, I got stock because the Filter number is kind wrong.

Thanks for your help and discussion



Filter test.rvt (3.3 MB)
Fliter.dyn (12.3 KB)

if the family is inside the room you needed to filter, you can use node


by the way , I run your script , it is working fine . no issue

check you lacing, I set it to Auto

This is my question part, I dont understand why the amounts would be changed.


something to do with your lacing

Sorry again, as my study knowledge could not switch the part like your shown.

Can you give me the method to “1” -> “Auto”
Thanks again!


you can click on the “1” , to change it to auto

by the way is not a 1, is just a icon

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Extending the idea, I would like to add the other box in the same concept.

However, the same result shown and could not catch the information with my new object. What is this problem?

ShuoTaoFilter test.rvt (3.4 MB)
Fliter.dyn (16.7 KB)

Looks like you may be using Dynamo 1.x. Auto lacing isn’t available until 2.x, so you’ll need to upgrade if you want to make use of that feature.

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