Fill Rooms Id data, wall finish for example


I want to fill “Wall Finish” ;“Floor Finish”; and “Celling Finish” parameters selecting some rooms by name… dor example i select all bedrooms and say they have a woof floor finish. these are instance parameters, I can´t watch the parameter value… i already tried with one room and works but with more do not work… can you help me plz?

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Thanks for you sugestion but do not work…

What happens when you do that?

I Can sort them by name but when i want see “Wall Finish” Parameter from the sorted rooms they do not show…

It is like he do not read the “wall finish” like a room parameter…


But if i do this with only one element he can read like suposed…

You might have some unbounded or unplaced Rooms
Please check that and try again if you solved that

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I tried with a small project with only 3 rooms, and i deleted unplaced rooms… same problem…

You want to filter the rooms, not the parameter values.

I want to change parameter values from the rooms already filtered…

its like he do not understand the elements from the list i filtered…

Now is working… Thanks a lot for your patient

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