Exporting object data to SDF/SHP

Hi Mzjensen .I want to export to shapfile( not SDF) the way above, then I need edit positions in file "MapExportByLayer "

Hi. I’m trying to send the string “The area is …” and the problems is that it’s getting send character by character and each character gets treated as a command. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. Can you help me? Thanks.
areasHatch.dyn (13.2 KB)

Try passing the string into a List Create node prior to passing it into the Python node.

Hi, mzjensen
Can pls you share that dynamo file?

It is up above.

Okay Thanks,

I have downloaded that dynamo but it will not getting attribute from object data table & also I have added object class attribute but it will not containing in .shp file.

Kindly give the solution for that.

Hi @mzjensen,

I was looking at your MapExportByLayer script. I have a question, How do I invoke the Select Attributes option from the text string?

If this is not possible, How else can it be done?

I’m not sure it’s possible because of all the check boxes, but you can test it out. That script is basically just running the -MAPEXPORT command (headless), so give it a try and see if you can get to the attributes selection without the UI.

In that case, It would probably be best to map export for each .shp file manually the first time and save a profile for each one. Then, maybe just iterate over the command using only a profile for the settings. I just messed with the headless export tool and there seems to be no way to define an object data schema besides a profile.

I’m trying to create a dyn from Zachri’s that just relies on the .epf profile files in a given folder.

I’m thinking like this:
MapExportByProfiles.dyn (35.4 KB)
MapExportTest.dwg (506.3 KB)

Simplifies the script a lot too if you have an export profile set up for each one. Probably the way to go if you want separate feature classes for something like a utility network.

Maybe there is a way to create .epf files programmatically but I’m not sure.

Hi @mzjensen

I tried it but you can’t select the attributes without the UI. Anyway, I was able to generate the .epf profile as @WrightEngineering suggests.

.epf files are xml files so they can be easily viewed with any text editor.

So this is my workflow:

  1. Create the .epf file and save it in the folder indicated by the user

  2. Run mapexport and load the .epf file

  3. Ask the user if he wants to keep the .epf file after the export (if not, Delete it)