Export to navisworks via Dynamo Player


So this works first time for me from Player…

In true ‘hack it til you crack it’ style…

I copied the python out from the node to see what was going on (you can see error messages better, double click on the custom node to get into it) turned out I needed a list create in there…

You can see how I’m controlling the order of operations with Passthrough and Transactions.

The weird thing is that the node still doesn’t work. But the Python it contains, does…

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me can explain.

It would probably benefit from a filter which checks whether the desired view already exists, and if so, either deletes it or doesn’t create a new one, but I ran out of time.

Hope that’s of interest,


ExportToNavis-MKA.dyn (32.3 KB)