I have one block that is populated thousands of times in a file with 2 attributes already loaded in with blank values. I need something (hoping it can be dynamo) to go through and update those values based on defined ranges in the file (thinking like closed polylines to establish boundaries). Is this possible? Looking for a starting point on this process.
Hi @jbrunkhorst
can you share some snips ?
I am going to have multiple groupings similar to this. And I need to apply a value to a defined attribute to each red dot (an AutoCAD Block). The value will be an integer starting at 1.
Is everything two dimensional? or do you have heights to deal with as well
I would like to assign a Z value to the block, but that can happen later outside of a Dynamo script. If it helps to have the polyline and blocks coplanar at a 0 elevation, that works.