Domain / Divide Domain / Isotrim

hi, I am trying to get my Grasshopper scripts work in Dynamo. can I ask what is Grasshopper “Divide Domain 2” & “Isotrim” & “cross reference” in Dynamo?

@hangsia Are you trying to divide surface by U,V?


Yes! And what should I type in the CODE BLOCK?

0…1…#14 means a range from 0 to 1 divided in 14 steps, it’s called desgnscript.
DesignScriptDocumentation.pdf (705.5 KB)
designscript-final.pdf (1.5 MB)
DesignScriptGuide.pdf (3.7 MB)

yes! that’s exactly what i am looking for. basically i did the crossing lines in between 2 surfaces on grasshopper, and i m trying to achieve the same outcome in dynamo. however, i am stacked with the Deconstrust Brep/Topology. Vertice. do you have any idea about how does it works in dynamo?


your filter by boolean mask needs some booleans is all i can tell you

Any idea why the lines are not crossing & connected… as attached…sorry to bother you again

Hi @hangsia

Check out Lunchbox custom node WireSpaceStruss:

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some guys know all nodes :slight_smile:
i’ve joined this community in 2014, still learning