Does dynamo have a divide domain and find domain function that similar to grasshopper?

Does dynamo have a divide domain and find domain function that similar to grasshopper? I have a list of numbers that need to be remapped into 10 groups. For example, numbers 1 to 100 need to be remapped: 1-10 into 1, 11-20 into 2, 21-30 into 3,… 91-100 into 100.

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Are you looking at that?



Not exactly like that. I want to replace numbers with their domain. For example, I have a list of numbers (8 numbers): 1.1, 1.24, 3.75, 2.53, 4.95, 8.73, 2.78, 5.23. Then I want to change those numbers into five groups which will be 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 4, 1, 2. This will help full when I create some parametric facade but want only 5 type of panels not 8 different type of panels

The value in the Math.Floor may be what you want if you just want the “which group” aspect.
Slice Domain


Something like this?