Display temporary text on Layouts

Hi Everyone,

Is there a way of displaying temporary text on the layouts using Dynamo?

Once i’ve got the coordinates of centres of all rooms, I would like Dynamo to place text in all of them. The text would for example just show one of the parameters to allow quick review without looking at properties. I would like the text to disappear once dynamo is closed. I was able to get the coordinates and place a text note however these are not disappearing after closing.

I’ve found this picture below, and I think the DYNAMO TEXT PREVIEW is what I need but I can’t figure out how to make it show up on my layouts.


Looki to the Dynamo Text package, but be warned that text can be quite heavy so I’d you try this for too many things at once performance may suffer.

Thanks for help!

I used Text.FromStringOriginAndScale and it was exactly what I needed!