Creating the most symmetrical layout based on a range of spans and quantities

Thank you for so much your input, I am sorry if I could not present the case clear enough at the first place. But I will do my best to explain the problem as clear as I can this time.
As it is visible in your final listing of spans, the span of 9m is placed at the end of list.

First of all, if we take the 5th item in your list as the center the accumulative sum of the items would be 27 for the items on top and 31 for the items bellow our center element. But if we could switch places for the center item and the last item, then we could get accumulative sum of 26 for the items bellow the center item which mean it would be more symmetrical than our first approach.
Second, if we think of architectural symmetry then when we look from the center to the corners we should have the most possible similar span arrangement on both sides of the center line, which I can think of better arrangements in this specific case.

I hope I could make it Cristal clear this time.

Best Regards,