Creating Duplicate Rooms from excel sheet by counts


I want to create unplaced rooms based on excel sheet, some rooms have quantity data (Workstation 8, Office manager 4 etc,)
the only was I found to do that is to duplicate identical room in excel as many times as quantity requirement but is a bit tedius

any help?

Bit confused by what you have and what you need. Can you post an attempt at a graph and a sample excel file and a screenshot showing where you want to get to?

Hi @attoshi

Could you show your excel?


List.OfRepeatedItems should do the trick. You will need to be careful with your levels though.

thanks Jacob, is it out of the box node? any sample graph?

Here is an example.

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@Kulkul pretty much just summed it up perfectly, as usual. :smiley:

The Dictiorary can help to answer those questions:
And so does the Primer:

Thanks Guys,

I’ll give it a try

Thanks everyone, it worked with minor tweeks