Change each element in a different layer

I want to change each element in a different layer. as you can see in the image to change from having everything in one layer as in this case to have 4 layers in each one of them taking into account the direction of the curve, is this possible?

Hi @Piscis7 ,

Here’s one idea. I would do this mathematically. Using change in dX and dY for each of your curve start and end points.

Then I should expect to have 4 results.
(Positive, Positive) or (Positive, Negative) or (Negative, Positive) or (Negative, Negative)

Please see sample DWG, DYN and animated gif.

D4C3D_ChangeElementToDiffLayer_2024_01_Start.dwg (964.8 KB)
D4C3D_ChangeElementToDiffLayer_2024_02_End.dwg (976.4 KB)
D4C3D_ChangeElementToDiffLayer_2024.dyn (57.8 KB)



thank you very much, really a great explanation