Change Coordinate System

I have a project with several adaptive elements. I get the coordinates of the adaptive elements references points but i have some negative coordinates in axis y. For requirements of the project i can´t work with negative values and for that reason i need to change it. I am thinking change with dynamo the coordinate origin to get positives values always.Do you know if it is posible? How?
Thanks a lot.

You don’t really need Dynamo for this. If your coordinates are off you just need to change them or move your model.

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Thanks a lot. I think that there is two posibilities:

  • One,is the possibility i suposse that you tell me, change the PBP of the project to change the coordinates value,no?
  • Second,try to use Dynamo for that. The reason of use it is that for a big project with thousands of coordinates i think that is more confortable have the control from Dynamo. What do you think?

What do you mean by this? Adaptive Points use the project coordinates, so moving the PBP seems like the (only?) option. Certainly it would be the easiest one if you’re not constrained by project specific coordinates.


Thanks Nick, i am going to improve it.

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