Change a Pipe Tag With a String Value to New Tag

Yes Nick, The family types are exactly the same as the originals

All Nodes are Revit.

Are you still getting the same warning about the family document? adding “Cen” to the front of your types won’t work if they didn’t change. You’ll need to do that with the family name.

Convert to New Type.dyn (5.4 KB)

I am getting an “-Inline” error and have tried different ways to get the "Cen " in front of the family type name.

The two that have Cen " in front of them already were put in manually so you could see what it was supposed to look like. The fact that it is trying to change the family is a great improvement. Thank you for your assistance.

Yeah that’s just an example with my existing families. You would have to change that to the correct family name ("Cen " + FamilyName).

I have done that, and for the first time, I have no errors. All the names are correct. Now, to replace them in the project.

I can almost taste it. Thank you.


Here is the Complete routine. Not possible without your help Nick.