Cant sign in autodesk 360


i downloaded vasari beta2, but i cant use internet service becuast i cant sign in

plz help me to solve my problem

Hi Lili, I am facing the same problem. In Revit 2013 and its corresponding Vasari version, logging in was no problem. However recently with Revit 2014 and Vasari Beta 3, I am unable to log in. The funny thing is I am able to log in from office, but not from home. Is Autodesk 360 blocking certain ip addresses?

(P.S: I was able to log in from home using Revit 2013 last year)

have you solved your problem? I have the same problem now. please help me, thx!!!

did you try the forgot password link to make sure it's correct?

Hi i have the same problem.

i sucseed entering the autodesk 360 via browser but to sign in through vasari i cant!

its a problem i have for a long time.

please help me!!


i same too..what a solusion in this problem?

That was my next question. Glad you found a solution.

tnx alot i solve my problem with connect to internet by vpn,my country limited for some service

can you get to the site and just can't sign in? Did you check the obvious (right password and user name)?

plz help me lilli

no i cant

Argh, sorry for the troubles. Can you log into 360 at

yes said wait a few minutes and try again but i triad more than 10 days

does it keep giving you this message? or did you wait a little and try again?

said:requseted service not available

the autodesk service you are trying to acess is temporarily unavailable please try again.

what error message are you seeing?