Can't find the "Structural Trusses" category by name

New Dynamo user here:

I’m trying to use Dynamo to set the V/G settings on a view to isolate everything but certain Model Categories. I created a node to list all categories in the “Model Categories” tab of V/G. What’s weird is, everything works except for Structural Trusses. I tested going from category --> string --> back to category and it fails if that category is Structural Trusses.

Does anybody know what’s going on? Can anyone else replicate it? I can pretty easily make a workaround in my custom node, but I find it odd that this category, and only this category, can’t seem to be found “by name”

The name is actually referring to the name of the BuiltInCategory, so in this case it would be “OST_StructuralTruss”.


Thanks! I figured it was something like that, though I still find it odd that it’s unique from ALL of the other model categories in that regard, and that String from Object doesn’t return the “correct” name.

Is there a node that returns the BuiltInCategory name as a string in case the issue arises again?