BoundingBox.GetElementsIntersect Warning “Warning: BoundingBox.GetElementsIntersect operation failed. Unable to load type ‘Autodex.Revit.DB.DisplayUnitType’ from assembly ‘RevitAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.”

I am trying to use BoundingBox.GetElementsInstersect to identify elements intesecting or inside a bounding box drawn around a duct. But I keep getting the warning message

“Warning: BoundingBox.GetElementsIntersect operation failed. Unable to load type ‘Autodex.Revit.DB.DisplayUnitType’ from assembly ‘RevitAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.”

I read that this can be due to API changes in Revit. Is there a solution to this warning?

I have uploaded the revit file and the dynamo script I am working with.
Project1.rvt (5.2 MB)
Test.dyn (25.6 KB)


Yes you are right, the node will need an update, perhaps message the package author?

Kind regards,


The issue was with the revit version I downloaded Revit 2022.1 and updated the package. Everything seems to be working now.

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still get this error in Revit 2023 with package 4.2.4 installed