Auto Keynote Tool and Binding Data

I just finished a new Dynamo tool that automatically adds mleader keynotes to block references through an xref. I imagine the tool being used by a drafter to go sheet by sheet and add keynotes to all block references in a given viewport; if additional blocks are added to the xref file the user just has to run the script again in the sheet drawing and additional keynotes will be added. Overall, the script works great, unless you run the script twice without closing Dynamo between executions. If you run the script twice without restarting Dynamo, existing keynotes that were added previously are removed and only new keynotes retained, this is despite having no Binding Data retained in the script or the drawing. Does anyone know why Dynamo is doing this? I’ve attached my script, sheet drawing, xref, and keynote data spreadsheet.

XREF.dwg (3.7 MB)
Keynote Log.xlsx (8.9 KB)
Label Xref Blocks2.dyn (181.8 KB)
Test Sheet Drawing.dwg (1.7 MB)

Best to run graphs like this via Dynamo Player, which suppresses in session binding.

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Thanks @jacob.small! That’s good to know.