Arkance Systems Node Library Feedback Thread

Hi @Anton_Huizinga ,

I’ve been working with your package this morning to change the layer visibility in viewports.
(which work WONDERS!! & even when on another PaperSpace!). By working with these nodes, I have run into some limitations/bugs. PS: Maybe it’s just me :sweat_smile:

The bugs/ limitations I have encountered:

  1. The AutoCADLayer.HasOverrides node returns a false for all my layers, even when I am sure that there are Overrides in my drawing, the two nodes with the checkmarks just set layer-overrides . (Or is the HasLayerOverrides variable used for something else?)

  2. When using the Viewport.FreezeLayers or the Viewport.ThawLayers node the output returns all the layers in my current drawing, not only the layers I gave as input. I would assume that the output would be 4 x 52 items in my output (of the Viewport.ThawLayers node), but the node returns 4 x 3870 items. See below:

These are the only bugs I encountered thus far, if I find anything else I’ll keep you updated :smiley:

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