with reference to this topic:
Fresh from AU my big take away was trying to use Dynamo to automate tasks. I am brand new to Dynamo so i am unaware of the scope and abilities of Dynamo.
So here is something that would be amazing if it could be automated:
I am working an a project that has multiple buildings and 3 Revit files. Is there a way to automate things so that they are consistent across the files. For example some ideas that would be great to automate: (similar to ‘Transfer Project Standards’ but more thorough?)
Anyone knows where to find this lecture from Andreas?
From 2014 to 2018, are there now any Dynamo native nodes working with Transfer Project Standards, or Linked file families management? Or load and override system family types? How about packages?
Thank you
Regarding your first question, I think Peter was referring to a lecture I gave at AU Germany 2014 which in turn showed pieces from another presentation (https://prezi.com/kaagf4w6iq-d/the-truth-is-in-the-model/ ) I had given a couple months (?) earlier at another conference. Or he might have referred to a panel session at AU 2014 Las Vegas that I participated in where I mentioned the same project (http://au.autodesk.com/au-online/classes-on-demand/class-catalog/2014/revit-for-architects/ab6542#chapter=6 - go to 37:00).
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