Adding a New value to a text parameter without replacing existing

Hi all,

Is there a way to add a new value to a text base parameter without replacing the existing one?
Using ElementSetParameter replaces the existing value with the new one.

Thank you.

I am not sure what you intend to do… But you could get the value first, and then add something to it, and set this new combined value to the parameter.

A screenshot would help here to show what you want to do

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Figured it out by using passthrough and grabbing the existing value before adding the new one :slight_smile:

by filtering your elements, in this case
those with an empty string


I don’t really see how a passthrough node would help here :thinking:

Sorry for the late reply.
My intention was to add a new value to the existing value inside the parameter, not just add a new value to empty parameters. By adding a passthrough I am gathering the existing values of the parameters and later add new ones.
Hope that makes sense.

Yeah i am 99.9% sure you do not need a passthrough node for that.
The node after the get values is waiting for the input anyway, i dont really see how a passthrough would help here.
Can you show a screenshot?